Criminal Defense


ANYONE can be charged with a crime by the State or Federal Government.  Many innocent people are charged every day and their liberty is jeopardized by an uncaring, rigid prosecution system, harsh penalties, and the life-long stigma that a criminal charge may create.  That is why we defend citizens who have been charged and need representation. It is imperative that effective legal representation begins as soon as possible after being arrested or charged to avoid crucial mistakes, such as making incriminating statements and allowing searches of property that are unnecessary and damaging.  Remember that it is YOU versus THE GOVERNMENT, and they have seemingly unlimited resources at their disposal to try and take your freedom. We have a successful record of defending clients and take all types of criminal cases, including, but not limited to:


  • Drug charges and Possession;
  • DUI and Public Intoxication;
  • Sexual offenses;
  • Theft and Burglary;
  • Assault and Battery;
  • Embezzlement and Fraud;
  • Manslaughter and Murder;
  • Forgery and Financial Crimes.

If you have been contacted by law enforcement in relation to a suspected crime, arrested, or charged, call us immediately to schedule a free consultation. You can call 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Please contact us online or call to schedule your free initial consultation. Evening and weekend appointments are available.